Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New Babies - And Their Naughtiness

I recently inherited a new kitty from a friend of mine that unexpectedly passed away.  Her husband asked me to take her sweet baby in, and I readily agreed.  She came to me on August 21, and this beautiful baby girl is now one of my fur-babies.  Her name is Amirah (Arabic for "Princess).

The old cat, Bob (he's 6 years old now-WOW!), is just barely getting used to her.  He can now be in the same room with her without throwing a temper tantrum.  God forbid she touch him, though!  And touch him, she does!  Often!  Just to tick him off!  He was at the foot of the bed the other day, and she was sitting up near the top next to me.  She just kept staring and staring and inching closer to him.  He ignored her until she got about 6 inches away, and by then he'd had enough.  He just sat up, and smacked her in the face and knocked her off the bed.  It was quite entertaining!

Bently is excited to have a playmate, but she's not convinced she's going to play with him yet.  He get's so excited, and rushes towards her (which freaks her out).  I think they will be best buds before long, it will just take a little time.

Of course, he will have to be able to trust her not to swipe his ears off when his back is turned.  That might take a LOT more time.


Believe it or not, he usually looks a little more worried than this.  He's so precious!

She is causing quite the stir in our household!

The only times Bently has ever gotten into the trash was when my bestie's dog was around, and they decided to explore the smells together.  Since my dog is pretty good about not committing such unpardonable sin on his own, imagine my surprise when I walked into the bathroom a few days ago to find trash strewn across the floor.  I was convinced that Bently was the offender due to the tell-tale piece of evidence hanging from the side of his mouth.  Naughty.  He recieved a spanking and was sent to his bed.

However, I'm fairly certain now that Amirah was in fact the mischievous child and blamed the dog (how like a cat!).  This is due in part to the fact that last night I found Benlty sitting in my bedroom barking (tattling) at the empty bathroom with garbage littering the floor.  I wasn't sure it was him, but just to be safe I put him in his bed anyway (it was already bedtime).  I didn't yell at him or spank him, since he was already looking repentant (looking back, I'm pretty sure that's b/c he was trying to tell me he knew better, and it WAS NOT him--this time), and even then I wasn't thoroughly convinced it was him.

What really convinced me that it was the cat, however, was walking into the bedroom where I had been keeping Amirah separated from the other fur-babies (until recently) to find more shredded trash dotting the floor.

I MEAN!!  Look at that baby!!  How could such a sweet, innocent, fur-angel get into GARBAGE??

HA!  Innocent, my foot!  It's only that cute face that saves him.

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