Thursday, October 28, 2010

Owl City

One of my favorite singers is Owl City.  I just found out he's a Christian.  Awesome!  He just recorded "In Christ Alone," one of my favorite Christian songs.  Amazing.

Check it out!

It's so encouraging to know there are Christians in the entertainment business that stand firm in their beliefs.  I hope he keeps going strong!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

That's just WRONG!

Ok, so Saturday I was doing my laundry.  It's been a while.  It's not my favorite task.

As I was picking up a pile (about the 4th) of clothing from my closet floor, I looked down, and what do I see?


Um.  What?

Yes, that's a snake.  A dead snake.  A small snake, but a snake none-the-less.  EWWWWWWW!

I think my cat got it.

I think it's a good thing it was already dead.

I think I should do laundry more often.

I think I should move.
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