Thursday, June 17, 2010

Are you a patriot?

What do you think about men and women that have fought and died for our freedom.  To protect us from terrorists.  Given our lives so we could live in peace.  Do you know someone who has given their life for our safety?

If I personally knew a hero that had given his or her life fighting to save me, I would spread the word--make sure everyone I knew was aware of that selfless, loving sacrifice that person made, and I bet you would, too.

Why, then, do we not do the same for Jesus?  He sacrificed His life so that we may live.  He died fighting for our freedom from hell and torment.  From the terror of Satan and his demons.  Why do we not spread the word-tell everyone of His heroism?  Is He not deserving of that recognition?

I write this to my own shame.  It is the hardest thing in the world for me to tell someone about Jesus and His heroic act of love.  Why is that?  What about you?  Are you a patriot?

Friday, June 4, 2010

I have the bestest, most awesomest, most WONDERFULEST mommy in the whole, biggest, widest world!!

Cute title, but seriously, I do.

Isn't she pretty?  We were MUCH cold that day.  And it was rainy.  But we had so much fun!!!

I come from a great home-Christian parents who love the Lord, love each other, and love their kids.  They've been married (insert number of years here--I can't b/c then people could guess close to my mom's age and then she would kill me.  And that would be sad.  I like living.  Suffice to say, a long time) years.  I have taken it for granted at times, but I have seen many families with broken homes, and I am so very thankful for the family God put me in.  I get along with my siblings (mostly, heehee).  I have a great relationship with both of my parents.  I even bought a house 3 doors down from them.  And contrary to what they say, I did not buy the house solely so I could eat at their house every day.  Although I do.   And I like it.  ;)

Something happened not too long ago that really made me pause and think about how great my mom is.  It was something so little, but it had such an impact on me.  I almost cried at the dinner table.  But I didn't.  Cuz that would be weird.

We were eating dinner.  I don't even remember exactly what it was, but I know it was something Dad had cooked on the grill.  Their grill is kind of touchy, so one side of it cooks a lot faster than the other side.  Apparently, some of the meat got a little. . . "blackened," shall we say?  I didn't even notice it until my mom said, "This meat actually tastes kind of good burned."  As I looked around the table, I noticed that she had dished out the food onto our plates (which she does sometimes, and at other times we just pass the food around), and she had given my two younger brothers and I the meat that was cooked just right, and she had put the burned meat on her plate and dad's plate (dad got the piece that was a little less burned).

Once I sat there and thought about it for a minute, I realized she had done that all my life.  She always puts the comfort of others first.  She takes care of her husband and children before she takes care of herself.  She gives everyone else the best, and she takes what's left.  I gave this testimony in church on mother's day (and of course I blubbered like an idiot), but I wanted to share this here for anyone to read.  I thank God for my mom and the woman she is.  She has been such a great teacher and example.

If I ever do get married and have kids of my own, I have some awfully big shoes to fill.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How cool is this!!

So, I spend a lot of my down time at work looking at blogs.  (My boss is fully aware that I have a quite a bit of down time.  I always do my work first, and I get my work done before I play!)  I came across someone's blog today quite by accident, and she pointed me to this website.  So, whoever you are, thank you for sharing!  This is really cool!

It's free artwork that you can download and print.  Not all of it is my cuppa T, but some of it is really cute!

Suh-weet.  I have been trying to decorate my house a little bit lately, but I have a very tight budget.  This is great!
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