Friday, September 30, 2011

If I were a Fairy Princess

I like to read fairy tales.

Don't judge.

I also like classics, sci-fi, mystery, thrillers, etc.  I like to read.  (Not so much drama or romance, though.  ugh)

A recurring plot in fairy tales is one that includes a lost or in-hiding fairy princess that is being raised by good, human parents in a modern world, and she has no idea what her real identity is and blah, blah, blah.

What I want to know is, do authors really imagine that said fairy princess who has been raised speaking our current dialect is going to inexplicably begin speaking in a dialect from the Middle Ages when she arrives in her fairy home after finding out her true identity?

I mean, really. . .

If I were a lost fairy princess (shut up--maybe I am.  YOU'LL never know!) that has found my way "home," I'm not gonna say, "Oh, Father, how I have long wished for this day!"  Or, "Oh, dear.  Sweet sister, dost thou know what hast occurred?"  I'd probably say, "Hey, Dad (assuming that I've accepted the king as my parental figure along with my new-found place in the Land of Faerie), I'm glad you found me!"  Or, "Woah, woah, WOAH!  _____ (insert abbreviation of fairy sister's funky name here b/c I probably wouldn't be able to pronounce it correctly), what the heck just happened?"


Sweet patrons, I thank you all for your kind interest in my . . .

Oh forget it.

Thanks for reading!


Friday, September 23, 2011

The year-long project. Oi!

I finally finished it.

I love it.

But for many a sundry reason, it took me a year from start to finish.  Here it is:

Yes, thank you, I know the door is a little crooked--just waiting on my awesome dad to come over and help me fix it.  Other than that, isn't it fun?  

Here's the before:


Let me just say:  stripping is SO not my thing!  

. . . 

. . . 

. . .

Get your mind out of the gutter.  I meant THIS kind of stripping:

That process only took about three weeks!  Sheesh.  And then I sanded.  Messy!  

The drawer guides all needed to be replaced, and as I am NOT a carpenter (that would be so cool, though!), I enlisted my wonderful father.  He's awesome.  He spoils me.

Then I moved the whole thing into my living room to paint it.  Fewer bugs were likely to land in the wet paint since I could mostly only paint at night after work.

This was before I had my new floors, so I wasn't totally concerned with keeping the paint/primer off of the floor.  Ha!

I didn't get any pictures of the paper process, but I just Mod Podged the wrapping paper to the front of the drawers and the door.  I also painted the inside of the cabinet and the drawers, and I lined the shelf and drawer bottoms with black and white wrapping paper.  I Mod Podged the shelf, but just stuck the paper in the drawers with double stick tape.  I didn't really feel the need to go through the extra trouble with the inside of the drawers.  I probably could have gotten away with that on the shelf, too.  I love that black and white paper, though!  It makes me want to leave the drawers and door open!  

I do believe that my favorite thing about this whole piece is the knobs!  I heart them!

I sealed all the paint, etc, and put it all together.  It's in my living room, and it's the best looking piece in there.  I need to get busy with the rest of the room!
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