Thursday, January 13, 2011


So, if you've happened to stop by recently, you may have noticed a few changes to the look of my blog.  I had to change the background b/c the website I got it from doesn't have it anymore.  I couldn't find another one I liked that was similar, so I decided to change the whole shebang.

Please be patient.  I'm very picky!

**UPDATE (at 2:48 PM, two days later):  I'm done!  What do you think?  Now I need to work on my Jewelry Blog!  Yikes!  I don't think I'll need to completely overhaul that one, though.  At least, I sure hope not!  Also, I still might change the background here.  I'm still not completely happy with it.  :(

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


If I had enough money, I would probably buy most of my clothes from!  I mean, really, how can you not love this dress:

Or this one:

I especially love this one:

I heart RED:

Hows'bout this bright yellow sweater to brighten up a dreary winter's day?

I like this shirt, too:


*sigh* Maybe in the next life.

I dunno, though.  I doubt that I could spend that much money on clothes, even if I had all the money I could possibly want.  I got really excited the other day when I bought a shirt at Khol's for $3!
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