Friday, September 30, 2011

If I were a Fairy Princess

I like to read fairy tales.

Don't judge.

I also like classics, sci-fi, mystery, thrillers, etc.  I like to read.  (Not so much drama or romance, though.  ugh)

A recurring plot in fairy tales is one that includes a lost or in-hiding fairy princess that is being raised by good, human parents in a modern world, and she has no idea what her real identity is and blah, blah, blah.

What I want to know is, do authors really imagine that said fairy princess who has been raised speaking our current dialect is going to inexplicably begin speaking in a dialect from the Middle Ages when she arrives in her fairy home after finding out her true identity?

I mean, really. . .

If I were a lost fairy princess (shut up--maybe I am.  YOU'LL never know!) that has found my way "home," I'm not gonna say, "Oh, Father, how I have long wished for this day!"  Or, "Oh, dear.  Sweet sister, dost thou know what hast occurred?"  I'd probably say, "Hey, Dad (assuming that I've accepted the king as my parental figure along with my new-found place in the Land of Faerie), I'm glad you found me!"  Or, "Woah, woah, WOAH!  _____ (insert abbreviation of fairy sister's funky name here b/c I probably wouldn't be able to pronounce it correctly), what the heck just happened?"


Sweet patrons, I thank you all for your kind interest in my . . .

Oh forget it.

Thanks for reading!


Friday, September 23, 2011

The year-long project. Oi!

I finally finished it.

I love it.

But for many a sundry reason, it took me a year from start to finish.  Here it is:

Yes, thank you, I know the door is a little crooked--just waiting on my awesome dad to come over and help me fix it.  Other than that, isn't it fun?  

Here's the before:


Let me just say:  stripping is SO not my thing!  

. . . 

. . . 

. . .

Get your mind out of the gutter.  I meant THIS kind of stripping:

That process only took about three weeks!  Sheesh.  And then I sanded.  Messy!  

The drawer guides all needed to be replaced, and as I am NOT a carpenter (that would be so cool, though!), I enlisted my wonderful father.  He's awesome.  He spoils me.

Then I moved the whole thing into my living room to paint it.  Fewer bugs were likely to land in the wet paint since I could mostly only paint at night after work.

This was before I had my new floors, so I wasn't totally concerned with keeping the paint/primer off of the floor.  Ha!

I didn't get any pictures of the paper process, but I just Mod Podged the wrapping paper to the front of the drawers and the door.  I also painted the inside of the cabinet and the drawers, and I lined the shelf and drawer bottoms with black and white wrapping paper.  I Mod Podged the shelf, but just stuck the paper in the drawers with double stick tape.  I didn't really feel the need to go through the extra trouble with the inside of the drawers.  I probably could have gotten away with that on the shelf, too.  I love that black and white paper, though!  It makes me want to leave the drawers and door open!  

I do believe that my favorite thing about this whole piece is the knobs!  I heart them!

I sealed all the paint, etc, and put it all together.  It's in my living room, and it's the best looking piece in there.  I need to get busy with the rest of the room!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

God's Perfect Timing

As I sit here in my chair thinking of all the wonderful things God has done for me lately, I am struck by His awesome power and His amazing love and His faithful provision.  I have been overwhelmed by the goodness of God in the last few months.  There are so many things He has done for me--both little and BIG.  I would love to share a few examples. . .

Here's a little example. . .

I bought a car a couple of years ago, and it had been a rental before I purchased it.  The dealership only had one key for it, and ever since I bought the car, I was a little nervous that I would lose my keys or lock my keys in the car.  My car is a Chrysler, and they have those weird keys that are attached to the unlock remote thingies (usually a little pricey to get a copy made).  It hasn't really been an option yet (financially) to order a second key, so I've just been very careful to pay attention to where my keys are at all times!  

Well, a couple of weeks ago, I decided that it really was time to bite the bullet and find a place that can make a second key for me.  I didn't really want to spend the money, but I figured it would be better than calling road side assistance to get me into my car if I locked my keys in.  And if I lost my keys, I'd just have to get another one made anyway, plus deal with the extra hassle.  My dad told me about a place that makes remote lock keys a little cheaper than other places, so I decided I would check it out.  Literally, the very next day my friend had a flat tire (not so fun for her, but she had a warranty on the tires so she didn't have to pay anything to get it fixed), and she was unable to find her jack.  So I went to meet her so she could use mine (she finally located hers under her driver's seat--driver's seat???), and as I was pulling my jack out of it's little compartment, I saw a little ziplock baggie with a spare key in it.  God's perfect timing!  I know it's not a serious expense, but it's still money I don't have to spend on an extra key!  God is good!

Here are two BIG examples of God's perfect timing. . .

I won't go into detail, but I've been trying to refinance my house for a few months.  We hit a few speed bumps with the appraisal coming in low, and it caused a few hitches in the flow of traffic, so to speak.  The bank and I were able to work together to work out all the wrinkles, but it was absolutely God's timing and provision that ultimately allowed it to work out.  God put a little bug in my mom's ear, and she put a little bug in my dad's ear who then went to talk to a banking acquaintance of his who then gave me some helpful advice on what questions to ask and what info to give to get my loan officer and the loan processor to reopen the file and work out the details.  Once they reopened the file and started looking at all the fees I should/should not be paying vs. the credits I should be getting, they were able to work it out, and the new loan amount was reduced by enough to allow the loan to go through.  One of the credits they were able to work in was from a government program that I qualified for b/c of the area I live in.  According to the bank, they only JUST started this program in my area, and my bank is one of the few providers for it.  I closed on the refinance yesterday.  God is so good!

Back in December of last year I received an unexpected bonus check from my employer.  I was so excited!  I decided that I was going to use that money to install new flooring in parts of my house!  I started looking at different options, and found a flooring that I thought would match my planned decor perfectly.  Unfortunately it was a little higher than I wanted to pay, and I would only be able to do the living room and hall.  No problem, I can do something else in the rest of the house, I decided.  However, a few unexpected expenses came up and I was unable to do it at the time.  I was very disappointed--the carpet in my house severely needs to be removed!  However, I figured that God knew I would need that money to pay for some things.

Then my tax return came.  Great!  NOW I can get my new floors!  Nope, it just didn't work out.  What I had set aside for new flooring ended up being used for the loan application on the refinance.  No matter, I can use the money I'll be getting back from escrow on the old loan or the money I'll be saving from the month I won't have to make a mortgage payment!  When I found out the bank denied my loan, I was, again, sorely disappointed.  But, as I said, God is good, and He worked out the loan!  Viola, I have the option to redo some of my flooring again!

Here's where God's perfect timing comes in!  I went to the store that carries the flooring I had picked out, and I found out that it has been discontinued.  The store I went to has no more of it, but another store a few miles further does still have 700 square feet of it.  He said he would give me a "good deal" on it if I would by the whole amount.  Well, I only need about 400 square feet to do the main floors (the bedrooms could wait), and the price discount wasn't enough to make it worth it to me to buy the whole 700sf.  I had a budget I did not want to exceed, and the deal wasn't quite good enough.  So, I went home to think about it and consider which rooms I really wanted to do.  The next day, I called the other store location to see if they really had the flooring in stock, and the gentleman confirmed that, yes, they did have it in stock, and since this particular flooring has been discontinued, they were selling it at half the original price!  A-MEN!!!  Now THAT was a deal!  I swooped that one up!  That discount lowered the price to less than it would have cost me to do the 400 sf at the price the other location quoted me.  In fact, when I went to pick up the flooring, the final price was $120 less than my budgeted amount, and I am able to replace ALL of the carpet in my house.  God is good!

If I had bought the flooring back in December or January, there's no way I would have gotten that kind of discount.  Now, b/c of God's perfect timing, I will be able remove all of the carpet in my house, and replace it with the flooring I chose along with some very beautiful porcelain tile that my parents are giving me left over from a job they had.  They have just enough tile to do one of the bedrooms and, possibly, both bathrooms (eventually).


Thursday, April 7, 2011

From Dessert to Main Course

Ok, so I've been struggling with a sinus infection since Tuesday of last week.  It's a first for me.  I think this comes from all the crazy allergy problems I've had this season--I think they are getting worse each year.  I've had allergy problems in the past, but it's usually just for a day or two.  For some reason, this season it's been nonstop for several weeks!  Ugh!  Can't. Breath.

Well, as I said, I came down with a lovely sinus infection last week.  (Not to worry--I went to see a doctor yesterday--well, a nurse practitioner, really.  She was awesome--I don't care what letters follow her name.  She prescribed some meds, and hopefully I'm on my way to recovery!)

My mom is really into this natural Essential Oil stuff.  Which is great, I guess.  Some people swear by it.  She has four different oils that she's making me use:  Thieves, Lavender, Peppermint, and Ravensara.  I have no idea what they are supposed to do, but I do know they make me smell like a spice cake.  And I told her so.  She didn't laugh.

I thought it was funny.

The other day I was walking out the door of her house and she yelled.  Like the good daughter that I am, I stopped and came back in to make sure she wasn't hurt.  As she's pulling something out of a drawer in the kitchen (insert my mental "Uh-oh" here), she says, "Oh, NIKI!  I WISH I would have remembered this sooner!  Take this (she starts walking towards me with something that looks suspiciously like a spice jar).  Fill your bathtub with water as HOT as you can possibly stand it, and put all of this in it and soak until the water cools.  Then put MORE hot water in and keep soaking until it cools again.  It will help draw it (I can only assume she meant my sinus infection) out."

I looked down and she's holding a jar of. . . GINGER?  "You want me to soak in a bath of GINGER WATER?  Great, so I'll go from smelling like spice cake to smelling like SOUP!"

My actual thoughts:  I officially graduated from desert to main course.  Excellent.  Why did I have to be a good daughter?  I should have kept walking out the door.  For crying out loud. . .GINGER?  Like that's going to work.  Bah.  This smell had better not stick to me!

Mom:  "Don't worry!  The smell won't stick to you.  Just take a shower after your bath."

I will say this for the ginger bath:  it smelled good, even though I don't particularly want to smell LIKE ginger.  And I was able to breath a little easier for the rest of the night.  Although, that could have just been b/c I was breathing in steam for an hour.

Disclaimer:  I do love and respect my mother.  She is a brilliant, wonderful, Godly woman.  I'm just not as convinced as she is about home remedies and "essential oils."  Give me antibiotics and antihistamines.  I feel great, today!  (That's the antihistamine talking, FYI.  I feel light as a feather!)

The only problem I have with taking the antihistamine:  I don't think the side affects are very conducive to working.  Sometimes my arms don't want to move.  Is that normal?  I sure hope this wears off before 5 so I can drive home!  I'd prefer sleeping in my bed over sleeping under my desk tonight.   Wait a second. . . Why does that sound like a good idea right now?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

TWO Stinking CUTE!!

I hope this makes you giggle like it did me!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day!

I love Irish Blessings!

May the Lord keep you in His hand and never close His fist too tight.

If God send you down a stony path, may He give you strong shoes.

May the light of Heaven shine on your grave.

Champagne to our real friends, and real pain to our sham friends.

May you be half an hour in Heaven before the devil knows you're dead.

May the lilt of Irish laughter lighten every load.  May the mist of Irish magic shorten every road.  May you taste the sweetest pleasures that fortune ere bestowed, and may all your friends remember all the favors you are owed.

A great Irish prayer:

Grant me a sense of humor, Lord,
The saving grace to see a joke,
To win some happiness from life,
And pass in on to other folks.

A couple of Irish curses:

May those who love us love us.
And those that don't love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn't turn their hearts,
May he turn their ankles,
So we'll know them by their limping.

May you melt off the earth like snow off the ditch.

How about some Irish proverbs:

A lock is better than suspicion.

Be neither intimate nor distant with the clergy.

Both your friend and your enemy think you will never die.

If you want to be criticized, marry.

You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was.

When the drink is inside, the sense is outside.

A funny quote:

Sigmund Freud said, "This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever."

Happy St. Patrick's day!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A New Discovery

I feel like a doofus for not knowing about this sooner, but I just discovered my Google Reader!  I follow a lot of blogs.  I mean, over 50--not really sure how many.  There is a way to check, but I don't really feel like doing that right now.  (It's 61--I checked after I posted this.)

I usually just go to my Blogger dashboard and scroll through the latests posts.  If something looks interesting, I click on it and check it out.  Sometimes I skip a few days, and I miss stuff that way.  I discovered the Google Reader right about the time I realized I hadn't check the blogs in a few weeks.

I had over a thousand unread posts.  Apparently, it stops counting after 1000.  Haha.  I love it b/c I can click on each blog and scroll through the posts.  Or I can mark everything on that blog as "Read" so it doesn't show up again.  (For example, I follow the Swapping Spoons blog, and she posts coupons and good deals.  Most of those expire fairly quickly, so there is no reason to go back and read old posts.)

Uh-mazing!!  So I've been catching up this week.  I've missed some pretty cool stuff!  These ladies are fantastic.  So creative.  Some of them are working moms, and I don't know when they have the time for their crafts and home projects.  I'm a single working girl, and I rarely have time to do stuff!  I'm down to under 500 now.  Of course, following over 50 blogs means I usually have over 50 new posts a day.  Once I get caught up, it will be a breeze to keep up!

I'm so excited!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Coolest Clock E-VER!

So, one of my besties had a birthday back at the beginning of December.  We both love making stuff, so I thought to myself, "Self, why not give her something we can make together.  Hmmm. . ."  I had to think of something we could make.  Ok, her bedroom is black, white, and pink.  (Love that color scheme!)  Her favorite things in the world are her four animals.  She could use a great big clock b/c she's always late.  (Heh. . . heh!  Don't hit me, Sam!  It hurts!)  And the idea was born. . .

I designed the clock, and bought all the necessary parts.  Except for the most important piece: the wood.  My favorite daddy in the whole wide world gave me a piece.  And cut it for me.  Twice.  But we won't go there right now.  Here it is all finished.  What do you think?
(Honestly, I don't care what you think.  I love it!)  ;)

I decided to make each corner of the clock a corner for each of the animals.  I put their names and a whole bunch of words describing each pet into Microsoft word, and played around with the fonts and text sizes.  It only took 4 days!  The girls are in opposite corners on two different pink papers, and the boys are in the other two corners on black and white papers.  I printed the boys' names and descriptive words on pink card stock so it would stand out against the black and white paper.  The girls' names and descriptive words were printed on white card stock.  (I thought the pink would get lost on the pink paper.  I would have liked to have done white font on black paper, but I wasn't sure how to do that.)

Here goes:

First, I asked my dad oh-so-sweetly to cut a piece of wood for me.  He has a stash of 3/4 in. plywood that worked quite nicely for our purposes.  He also drilled a hole for me.  He's the best.  He did it twice for me.  I won't say why b/c it was my fault.

We primed the wooden letters (that we found at Hobby Lobby quite by accident), the board, and four wooden cabinet knobs that we used as feet on the back b/c the clock mechanism stands away from the board.  We spray painted all the wooden parts a glossy black.

We spray painted the clock hands the Raspberry color.  I'm not sure they stand out enough, so we might have to repaint them a glossy black, too.

Then we modpodged the four papers to the board.  We used wood glue to glue the wooden letters in their places so we could get the words placed correctly around them.  We modpodged the words after that.

 Glue is still wet.

Just trying to get an idea for the placement.  These words go on the top squares.

We sealed all the words with a final coat of modpodge.  After that was all done, all that was left was the feather boa and the clock hands and mechanism.  We used Fabritac to adhere the feather boa around the clock. Lemme tell ya!  Gluing a feather boa to something ain't easy!  Sheesh.  I hope I never have to do that again!  We also used a staple gun on in.  The clock hands and mechanism were easy.  We used wood glue for the cabinet knobs/feet thingies (of which I do not have a picture).

It's pretty big.  The board is 18" x 18", and the boa adds a few inches to either side.  I think it's adorable, though!

I'm going to make myself one using the first board my dad cut for me.  But much different.  And without the boa.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


So, if you've happened to stop by recently, you may have noticed a few changes to the look of my blog.  I had to change the background b/c the website I got it from doesn't have it anymore.  I couldn't find another one I liked that was similar, so I decided to change the whole shebang.

Please be patient.  I'm very picky!

**UPDATE (at 2:48 PM, two days later):  I'm done!  What do you think?  Now I need to work on my Jewelry Blog!  Yikes!  I don't think I'll need to completely overhaul that one, though.  At least, I sure hope not!  Also, I still might change the background here.  I'm still not completely happy with it.  :(

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


If I had enough money, I would probably buy most of my clothes from!  I mean, really, how can you not love this dress:

Or this one:

I especially love this one:

I heart RED:

Hows'bout this bright yellow sweater to brighten up a dreary winter's day?

I like this shirt, too:


*sigh* Maybe in the next life.

I dunno, though.  I doubt that I could spend that much money on clothes, even if I had all the money I could possibly want.  I got really excited the other day when I bought a shirt at Khol's for $3!
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